Common CV Mistakes

As a recruiter a common pet peeve is CV’s not being done correctly.

These are a few common mistakes I come across on a daily basis:

  • Spelling and bad grammar – this tells us you are not taking your job application seriously. Double and triple check your CV, read it out aloud to ensure it sounds correct. Ask someone else to look over it, a fresh pair of eyes is always good.
  • Incorrect info – your contact number or email address is not valid. If you are actively in the job market a recruiter should be able to contact, you and not your wife/husband or mother. This is a huge time waster and chances are a recruiter will not come back to your CV later.
  • Employment gaps – always ensure your dates are correct – start and end, and any employment gaps accounted for. Grouping similar roles under headings such as ‘freelance’ or ‘contract work’ or stating long periods of travel is far better than leaving blanks. This leaves the recruiter or potential employer trying to guess your situation, which could lead to a negative conclusion, and ultimately your CV going to the rejection pile.
  • Bad format – please do NOT use all caps, it is an unflattering format, and very hard to read. Fancy fonts are not good either. Stick to formats that have an easy flow, and that a recruiter will be able to review immediately.
  • Reasons for leaving – always ensure there are reasons for leaving each position. It gives the recruiter insight into your career history, if you are a job hopper, or if trouble follows you. Honesty is key, as there are always ways to confirm this.
  • Scanned CV’s – please do not save a scanned copy of your CV onto a job portal. Always ensure it is either in a Word or PDF format.